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Generating Random Variables

less than 1 minute read


Applications of Linear Algebra in Portfolio Management

7 minute read


Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics developed to solve a system of linear equations and has found many applications in applied sciences- computer science(machine learning, image processing) and mathematical finance(portfolio management). In this article, we shall compute standard deviation of a portfolio using tools from linear algebra. Before we jump to this computation it is good to recall certain basic concepts from linear algebra.



Published in , 2025

  1. Pattar, R. R. and Kiran, N. U. (2021), Global well-posedness of a class of strictly hyperbolic Cauchy problems with coefficients non-absolutely continuous in time. Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 171, 103037. Download paper here
  2. Pattar, R. R., Kiran, N. U. (2022) Strictly hyperbolic Cauchy problems on R^n with unbounded and singular coefficients. Annali dell’Universita di Ferrara, 68, 11–45. Download paper here
  3. Pattar, R. R., Kiran, N. U. (2022) Energy estimates and global well-posedness for a broad class of strictly hyperbolic Cauchy problems with coefficients singular in time, Journal of Pseudo-differential Operators and Applications, 13, 9. Download paper here
  4. Pattar, R. R., Kiran, N. U. (2022) Global well-posedness of a class of singular hyperbolic Cauchy problems, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 200, 335–357. Download paper here
  5. Bansal, R., Krishnan, V. P., and Pattar, R. R. (2024), Determination of Lower Order Perturbations of a Polyharmonic Operator in Two Dimensions. Download paper here




  1. Feb. 4, 2023, delivered a talk on “Can One Hear the Shape of a Drum? (Inverse problems : the other 2/3 of the story)” at SSSIHL Maths Seminar, Bengaluru, India.
  2. Oct. 3, 2022, delivered a talk on “Global Well-Posedness and Regularity Issues Associated with Singular Hyperbolic Cauchy Problem” in TIFR-CAM Seminar, Bengaluru, India.
  3. April 8, 2022, delivered a talk on “Global Well-posedness and Regularity Issues Associated Singular Hyperbolic Cauchy Problems” in Analysis and PDE group seminar, Ghent, Belgium.
  4. Aug. 31 - Sep. 4, 2020, delivered a talk on “Global Well-posedness of a Class of Strictly Hyperbolic Cauchy Problems with Coefficients Non-Absolutely Continuous in Time” in International Conference on Generalized Functions (held via Zoom). Organized by: International Association for Generalized Functions and Department of Mathematics: Analysis, Logic and Discrete Mathematics at Ghent University, Belgium.
  5. Aug.-Sept. 2021, delivered a series of 3 talks on “Loss Operator Associated to a Class of Strictly Hyperbolic Cauchy Problems” in Inverse Problems Learning Seminar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bengaluru. (Held via Zoom)
  6. Jan. 2021, delivered a seminar talk on “Hyperbolic Operators: Global, Irregular and Degenerate Cases” at SSSIHL.
  7. Feb. 2020, delivered a seminar talk on “A Generalized Global Levi Condition for Weakly Hyperbolic Cauchy Problems with Coefficients Low-regular in Time” at SSSIHL.


Teaching Assistance

, , 2025

  1. Spring 2019 - Functional Analysis (Graduate Course)
  2. Fall 2018 - Linear Algebra (Under graduate Course)
  3. Spring 2018 - Measure Theory (Graduate Course)